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Collection/Donation Drives 

Project 150 is grateful to the community for the support of our mission to ensure the brightest futures for homeless, displaced, and disadvantaged high school students. Through these collection drives we are able to provide students with the basic necessities to keep them in school. If you are interested in hosting a clothing or food drive on our behalf, please contact us so we can help coordinate a successful drive for you. Email us HERE with the information and we will get back to you right away.


Because the needs of the students change, we would like to ensure collection drives are items that are in need at the present time. Please make sure to reach out to us to inquire what we could use before you host a drive.


Donations Welcome

Donations are always welcome however we can not accept any donations that are left outside our building after hours or on weekends. Please refer to the map below for locations across the valley that have extended hours.

Donation Drop Off Centers

Project 150 partners with many businesses in the valley to accommodate the donation of clothing and hygiene products. Donations are accepted at any of the following locations.

Our main donation sites are 3600 N. Rancho Dr. (corner of Rancho and Gowan) and is open Mon- Fri 9AM-4:30PM

and 2605 E. Flamingo Rd. (Flamingo and Eastern) open Mon- Fri 9AM -4:30PM

Project 150 Brady Caipa Volunteer Center and Administrative Office

3600 N. Rancho Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89130

(702) 721-7150

  Mon – Fri 9am to 6pm


Betty’s Boutique, TWO locations in Las Vegas!

3600 N. Rancho Dr. AND 2605 E. Flamingo Rd. 

Mon - Fri 1:00pm to 6:00pm (Excluding holidays)

(Free to high school students with student ID)


© 2011 - 2024 by Project 150. EIN # 45-6645161

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